
High-Energy and Practical Messages You Can Trust

As a principal, educator, or event coordinator, you are looking for speakers you can trust. Our assemblies, keynotes, and workshops are research-backed and developed by teams of mental health counselors, researchers, educators, and communicators for maximum impact.

We are a collective of professionals determined to reduce the rising despair in teens by providing hope and practical tools to equip parents and teachers. 

Whether you are looking to bring hope to your student population or training to your parents or teachers, we have a high-energy and inspiring presentation that will add value to your group.




student presentations

Our School Assemblies are not lectures, they are high-energy, engaging experiences with humor and inspiration.

Flip The Script School Assembly Program Key Outcomes:


understanding of
mental health challenges

Students will walk away with an understanding of mental health challenges.


symptoms of
Anxiety & Depression

Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression.


importance of
talking to a trusted adult

The importance of talking to a trusted adult when you or a friend is hurting.


understanding how to support

Understanding how to support a friend experiencing a mental health challenge.

  • No matter what problems you face today, you can flip the script and rewrite your future.
  • There is always hope.
  • You have a purpose and the world needs you.
  • You can change your school culture with one act of kindness at a time.
Filp The Script School Assembly Tour
Student Leader Keynotes

Mental Health Awareness Digital Curriculum Key Outcomes:

  • Understanding what mental health is.
  • Symptoms of mental health challenges and when to seek help.
  • The importance of talking to a trusted adult when you or a friend is hurting.
  • Understanding how to support a friend experiencing a mental health challenge.
  • Practical tools to manage and cope with anxiety.

Looking for something specific?

Just ask. Our communicators speak on a variety of topics for students.

Teacher presentations

Learn from our team’s wealth of experience working with kids and teens. Our educator keynotes and workshops inspire caring adults to keep going and empowers them with time tested, research backed, proven tools to help kids and teens facing mental health challenges.

Win the Heart to Win the Mind Key Themes & Outcomes:


practical ways to
help students exhale


how to use
feelings wheels and mood charts


communicating with

helping students
feel seen

  • 5 practical connection tools.
  • Enhancing listening skills.
  • Communicating with connection.
  • How to help support and build resilience.

Teacher and educator workshops are presented by our mental health professional communicators. More topic examples include Diversity & Inclusion, Anti-bullying Training, Trauma Response Training for Educators, Distress Tolerance: Skills To Manage Anxiety and Anger.


Looking for something specific or want more information about our communicators?

Just ask. Our communicators speak on a variety of topics.

Parent presentations

We’re not just professionals, we are parents too. Our parent keynotes and workshops inspire parents to keep going and empower them with tools to enhance connection and develop resilient kids.

SEEN Parent Workshop Key Themes and Outcomes:


5 practical
connection tools


listening skills


with connection

it's just a


Key Themes and Outcomes:

  • A breakdown of child development.
  • Understanding needs of each phase.
  • How to adapt with every phase.
Filp The Script School Assembly Tour
Student Leader Keynotes

Break the Spiral
Key Themes and Outcomes:

  • Managing stress and parent burnout.
  • Coping with Anxiety. 
  • Self-care and the importance of a supportive community.

Looking for something specific?

Just ask. Our communicators speak on a variety of topics.